You Can Be An Empath And Eat Meat

So, I had some thoughts as I was eating my grass-fed steak.

At 15, I became a vegetarian. I read John Robbin’s “Diet For A New America” and it changed my life. I thought about it for weeks. I dreamt about chickens. I talked about it in my sleep.

After being partially raised by Chef Boyardee, I didn’t know sh*t from shiola about nutrition, how to cook, what to eat. I just knew that I could no longer participate in factory farming.

How can you be an empath and eat meat?

Well, after a long 20 year journey as a pasta-terian, sugar-tarian, sometimes vegetarian, I’m here to tell you that you can.

Thinking back, what really would have served me was to learn about the underbelly of how the plastic wrapped meat makes its way to the fluorescent lit market while simultaneously learning about grass-fed cows.

The book shed all the light on the atrocities of factory farmed meat, but what was here before factory farmed meat? How did the native Americans do it? And why had my health gone to shit on this vegetarian diet?

One day, at 35, with horrible menstrual cycles and less energy than my 85 year old grandmother, I decided I was done with this diet. I went to a restaurant, ordered beef ribs, and went primal. That’s right, I devoured the meat right off the bone.

I thought I was doing the right thing by eating Tofurky, but now I believe, with all my heart, that hunting and utilizing the entire animal with love is the most empathetic thing any one could do.

What’s happening in the world of “plant-based” is the opposite side of the coin of Chef Boyardee.

I don’t hunt, but I pray over the animal and I thank it with all my heart and soul.


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