The dark side of Ozempic

Let’s talk about the underbelly of GLP-1’s like Ozempic.

Seems like all I hear about now is Ozempic.

It’s the new miracle drug.

It’s filled with all the unicorn hopes and dreams of thalidomide (that resulted in limbless children) and vioxx (which caused 100,000+ heart attacks).

Children born to mothers that took diaethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy created a generation of daughters with increased breast cancer and infertility; they’re called DES daughters. We’re still learning about the deleterious effects of this drug, even though it was removed from the market in 1971. I guess my point here is we don’t know what we don’t know.

The first GLP-1 drug for Type2 diabetes was approved in 2005. For a miracle drug, why then do we still have an epidemic of Type2 diabetes and obesity?

One underbelly problem that doesn’t get talked about enough is it’s not just the food - it’s also the endocrine disruptors. The chemicals in the environment are killing us.

Even Oprah has decided to jump on the Ozempic band wagon after pimping out Weight Watchers for the past 10 years (and I’ll still sometimes see a client who thinks of food as “points”). Weight Watchers is now getting into the business of prescribing Ozempic.

Maybe we should know a thing or two about what happens to people when they get off these drugs.

Some things we know right now is that the loss of weight is also coming from the loss of lean muscle mass.


The more muscle mass a person has, the better their resting metabolic rate - this means you’re burning calories at rest.

People gain the weight back.

However, one of the biggest problems is it seems to be causing gastroparesis. I’ve known and seen more people needing a NJ feeding tube in the last 2 years than I’ve seen in my entire 24 year career.

The people able to maintain the weight-loss after coming off the drug achieved this with nutritional counseling and coaching, as well as lifestyle modifications - something that just needs to happen anyway.

There are just no short-cuts in life.

What’s happening right now in the weight-loss world is like watching a train wreck, but all companies require customers to stay in business.

If you’re looking for a business that will help you lose weight and build muscle, I’ve got resources for you.


Dr. Vanessa


I believe in…


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