Let’s Talk About Thoughts That Keep You Stuck In Muck…
Let’s talk about thoughts that can keep you stuck.
In a recent post, I shared a test I love for kids and while I was reading through the comments I came across this sentence: “Being healthy really seems like it's for rich people” and OMG, did I instantly feel deflated.
Health starts in the mind and I’m not talking about toxic positivity where everything is rainbows.
I am talking about your inner home and sentences your brain offers up.
I had a patient that wasn’t financially wealthy, but he was wealthy in his heart.
He loved animals and had a family of them that he had saved.
He lived in a mobile home.
I loved him, but truth be told, I love all my patients, I really do.
He didn’t have enough money to cover my visit.
One day he came in with these fossils that he had found in Topanga.
He took the time to shellack them.
He gave them to me as payment.
Even now when I look at them, my eyes well up with tears.
He’s since passed away and I treasure these rocks more than the dollars he would have given me had he had them.
Friends, don’t let your thoughts about your health keep you stuck.
Labs can be helpful and some of my patients have had to save up for labs along the way, but there is so much you can do with little money to start turning things around.
Get on an AIP or carnivore diet if you’re struggling with autoimmunity
Pick a couple supplements you can afford - maybe start with glutathione - you don’t need a hundred
Move your body and if you can’t get out of bed, do some isometric contractions throughout the day - there are things you can do to stimulate your mitochondria
Create some intentional thoughts to get you through
Make a list of labs you’d like to run and save for each one
We aren’t meant to live forever.
Do the best you can today.
Pick a better thought.
Dr. Vanessa